class StreamingObserver : TestObserver

Observer that generates a log by writing to a stream.

Logging test observers are typically used in terminal environments for test log output or for generating reports as text files. This class is the basis for a variety of log generators that create terminal and file logs.

Public Members:
    StreamingObserver ( ostream& log, bool enabled = true, bool permitCancel = false ) ;
    Create a logging observer.
    A reference to a stream is needed to which the log is written as long as the stream isnīt changed. If enabled is true, the observer will produce a log. If permitsCancel is true, the observer allows to cancel a test session.

    virtual ~StreamingObserver () ;
    The destructor.
    The log stream will be closed if the log was set by specifying a filename.

    virtual bool configureFrom (ArgVector& args) ;
    Configure the log.
    True is returned when the log is enabled. Note that during configuration of an observer, exceptions could be thrown, i.e. CannotOpenLog.

    virtual Options<StreamingObserver>& options () ;
    Get the defined set of options.
    Only an empty set of options is returned. StreamingObserver itself does not have any option handlers.

    virtual bool enabled () const ;
    Is the observer enabled?
    Returns the enabled-status.

    virtual void enabled (bool state) ;
    Change the enabled-status.
    If set to false before configureFrom is called, the observer will not produce a log.

    virtual bool permitsCancel () const ;
    Check if the observer permits cancelling the execution of tests.
    Return the value of permitCancel.

    virtual void permitCancel (bool state) ;
    Change the value of permitCancel.
    If set to false, always a complete log will be written because cancelling the test session is not possible anymore. Do this only if absolutely necessary.

    virtual void setLog (ostream& log) ;
    Set another log output stream.
    This function could be used to change the log output after the observer was created. If the current log stream was set by specifying a file name, the current log is closed before the new one is set.

    virtual void setLog (const string& filename) ;
    Create a file log.
    The observer will write its log into a file. If creating a file with this name in the current environment is not possible, the exception CannotOpenLog is thrown. The log file is closed when another log is set or when the observer is destroyed.

    ostream& log () ;
    Returns a reference to the log output stream.
    Convenience function.

The Scrunitizer C++ Unit Test Framework
by Bernd Linowski

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Page generated: 1 Nov 2000
(C) by Bernd Linowski